Please submit any Box Tops you have before Sept. 30th so that those funds can be included in the December check.

Please label with your student’s and teacher’s names.

The Sept. 10th collection brought in nearly 7,050 box tops.

Great Job and Keep Clipping!!

Parent Involvement Day

Thursday, September 24th, is our first Parent Involvement Day (PID). PID gives parents an opportunity to help our teachers and staff with class room projects and administrative tasks. It is also a great time to meet other RQE parents. Forms went home with your students this week allowing you to select a time to volunteer. If you are unable to volunteer during the time slots, any time that you can give that day would be greatly appreciated!


It’s time to feed the Bear!!  Please collect up all of your  Education Labels (Box Tops, Labels for Education and Tyson A+) and send them all in on or before Thursday 9/10.  Please trim them, count, and put your child’s name and teachers name on the baggie.

Every single label counts to help our school!!!